Friday, November 16, 2012

JC sec. 2

So much depends upon
how we always
roll the dice
to seek 
our new day adventures 

KR sec. 2


So much depends upon
  the hardest problems
    easiest at the end

Social Studies
so much depends upon 
   the most excited,
     and wonderful 
       teacher ever

TW sec. 2

So much depends upon
a six foot tall door
it opens to tiny
black figure 

HR sec. 2

So much depends upon life its a mysterious thing everyone lives until they die... nobody  knows living until it's gone

CG sec. 1

So much depends upon a dog to give the company for day that is ahead.

KB sec. 1

So much depends upon north and south america but where are east and west are the fictional or are they just invisible to our eyes?

SL sec. 1

So much depends upon my grandma that lives in TN and the pool passes to make us happy.

The Evil Equation

So much depends upon...
       The equation no one can solve.
                    Staring from the page. Plain evil
                                    Anthropomorphizing an equation

                                                                                                                -Cody Williams

AT sec. 1

So much depends upon
The birds flying South
Before the freezing winter comes.

VM sec. 1

So much depends upon
The dog that died
puppy you cried about
baby boy you miss

From: Vicky

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

MH- sec. 1

So much Depends upon 
the dirt that flies, 
shadowing the horse, 
determined to reach 
the next rusty barrel.
 -Mikayla Hall

L.B. sec. 2

so much depends upon
the fat, lazy dog
that the little girl
reads to every day

MP sec. 2

so much depends upon some body beleiving in me even when i didnt beleive in myself.

m.w sec.2

so much depends upon you not abandoning  us.  Don't  leave use again with a stranger...

SW sec. 2

So much depends upon
a loyal best friend
that gallops me away
and brightens my heart.

D.C sec.1

So much depends upon
the Indians
that helped the Pilgrims
 when their numbers
 were low.  

N.B sec. 1

So much depends upon
the ability to study for
 hours but to forget 75%
of it.

SC, sec.1

So much depends upon
a soldier running into war,
sacrificing everything
for her honorable country. 

AR - sec. 1

So much depends upon
My phone and all
The secrets it possesses
Vulnerable in the open